Scottsville, Virginia
"While our eyes are on the prize of Heaven, our feet are planted here on earth." We are determined to do ministry that matters for eternity.
Just a little bit about us and how we began
With a humble beginning in 1980, it all started with a friendly visit to an elderly lady in our community...
That visit was used by God and here we now have over 25 years of history! It was that visit which led Mr. Dave Peters of Bethel Baptist Church in Amherst County to start a mission church in a vacant store building on Rt. 6 near Scottsville. During a conference meeting on Sunday afternoon, June 1st 1980, Calvary Baptist Church was established with 14 charter members. The first service was held by Pastor Charlie Campbell on June 15, 1980 with 29 people attending. In July of 1980, a missionary to Bolivia was supported by faith promise. And in August, revival was held. By December, there was a program for Christmas. Of the first charter members, Junior and Paula Wyant are still active members today. Calvary Baptist Church had its own set of by-laws and was deemed an Independent, Fundamental Bible preaching/teaching church.
From the beginning space was a challenge. We had to use the church bus as a classroom and a camping trailer as a nursery. But having had bountiful blessings, by December of that same year, the faithful members felt the Lord was leading them to buy land and build their own church.
Near the end of 1981, the move to the old Scottsville School cafeteria began to materialize. It was in 1982 that these 5 acres were available, and by early 1983, the contracts were signed. Church members did much of the construction work on the new building. It was also the members who helped secure funding and the first mortgage was paid off just 9 years later.
By mid 1985 our new Pastor and his family had arrived and the first service in the new church was held on September 1, 1985. Since then, several Pastors have been recommended by this church to be ordained and now serve in various Churches.
We were very blessed to have had the opportunity to vote David Morris in as Interim Pastor in June 2002 and then Senior Pastor in September 2002. We are so thankful for our Pastor and his wife as they have faithfully served and ministered to our Church for over twenty years.
Currently, we are supporting 12 missionaries by faith promise and sending financial support from Scottsville to locations all around the world. At home we are broadcasting Christian radio 24 hours a day to Scottsville and the surrounding areas. We enjoy participating each year in Scottsville's Independence Day Parade and passing out Gospel Tracts as well as VBS invitations to our local community.
Our young children are such a vital part of our ministry. We are so very thankful for all of our faithful and dedicated teachers, who pour themselves into lovingly instructing our children in the Word of God. We are blessed to be able to offer nursery and sunday school classes to children each sunday and look forward to our yearly Vacation Bible School held for a week each Summer.
We thank God for allowing us to live in a country that has the freedom of worship and we praise Him for our blessings. We look forward to what He has in store for the future of Calvary Baptist Church.